Updated on 2024/09/05


ISHII Kayoko
School of Nursing Department of Midwifery and Maternal Nursing Associate Professor
Fukushima Global Medical Science Center Radiation Medical Science Center for Fukushima Health Management Survey Associate Professor
Integrated Center for Science and Humanities Mathematics, Information and Statistical Science Area Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Contact information


  • 博士(医学) ( 2019.3   福島県立医科大学 )

  • 看護学修士 ( 2006.3   聖路加看護大学 )

  • 看護学学士 ( 1993.3   聖路加看護大学 )

Research Interests

  • 妊産婦支援

Research Areas

  • Life Science / Clinical nursing  / Clinical Nursing Science


  • Fukushima Medical University   Graduate School, Division of Medicine

    - 2019.3

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    Country: Japan

  • St. Luke's College of Nursing   Graduate School, Division of Nursing

    - 2006.3

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    Country: Japan

  • St. Luke's College of Nursing   Faculty of Nursing

    - 1993.3

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    Country: Japan

Research History

  • Fukushima Medical University   Fukushima Global Medical Science Center Radiation Medical Science Center for Fukushima Health Management Survey   Associate Professor

    2021.4 - Now

  • Fukushima Medical University   School of Nursing Department of Midwifery and Maternal Nursing   Associate Professor

    2021.4 - Now

  • Fukushima Medical University   Fukushima Global Medical Science Center Radiation Medical Science Center for Fukushima Health Management Survey   Assistant Professor

    2019.11 - 2021.3

  • Fukushima Medical University   Fukushima Global Medical Science Center Radiation Medical Science Center for Fukushima Health Management Survey   Instructor

    2017.2 - 2019.10


  • Association of Spousal Social Support in Child-Rearing and Marital Satisfaction with Subjective Well-Being among Fathers and Mothers.

    Iwasa H, Yoshida Y, Ishii K

    Behavioral sciences (Basel, Switzerland)   14 ( 2 )   2024.1( ISSN:2076-328X

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    DOI : 10.3390/bs14020106


  • Eight-Year Trends in the Effect of the Great East Japan Earthquake on Obstetrics Outcomes: A Study from the Fukushima Health Management Survey.

    Kyozuka H, Ohhira T, Murata T, Yasuda S, Ishii K, Yasumura S, Fujimori K, Ohto H, Kamiya K, Pregnancy and Birth Survey Group of the Fukushima Health Management Survey

    Life (Basel, Switzerland)   13 ( 8 )   2023.8( ISSN:2075-1729

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    DOI : 10.3390/life13081702


  • 性別役割分業観ならびに母親からのソーシャルサポートと父親の育児参加との関連

    岩佐 一, 石井 佳世子, 吉田 祐子

    日本公衆衛生雑誌   70 ( 2 )   112 - 123   2023.2( ISSN:0546-1766

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  • 妊娠中からの育児支援プログラム参加者を拡大する試み

    石井 佳世子, 渡邉 一代, 津富 宏, 佐々木 美恵, 齋藤 麻友佳, 太田 操, 柴田 俊一, 後藤 あや

    日本母子看護学会誌   16 ( 2 )   34 - 46   2023.2( ISSN:1882-2495

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  • 【Fukushima: A Decade After the Great East Japan Earthquake】The Effects of the Great East Japan Earthquake on Perinatal Outcomes: Results of the Pregnancy and Birth Survey in the Fukushima Health Management Survey(和訳中)

    Kyozuka Hyo, Murata Tsuyoshi, Yasuda Shun, Ishii Kayoko, Fujimori Keiya, Goto Aya, Yasumura Seiji, Ota Misao, Hata Kenichi, Suzuki Kohta, Nakai Akihito, Ohira Tetsuya, Ohto Hitoshi, Kamiya Kenji

    Journal of Epidemiology   32 ( Suppl.12 )   S57 - S63   2022.12( ISSN:0917-5040

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  • 【Fukushima: A Decade After the Great East Japan Earthquake】Postpartum Mental Health of Mothers in Fukushima: Insights From the Fukushima Health Management Survey's 8-year Trends(和訳中)

    Ishii Kayoko, Goto Aya, Yoshida-Komiya Hiromi, Ohira Tetsuya, Fujimori Keiya

    Journal of Epidemiology   32 ( Suppl.12 )   S64 - S75   2022.12( ISSN:0917-5040

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  • 【Fukushima: A Decade After the Great East Japan Earthquake】Effects of External Radiation Exposure on Perinatal Outcomes in Pregnant Women After the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident: the Fukushima Health Management Survey(和訳中)

    Yasuda Shun, Okazaki Kanako, Nakano Hironori, Ishii Kayoko, Kyozuka Hyo, Murata Tsuyoshi, Fujimori Keiya, Goto Aya, Yasumura Seiji, Ota Misao, Hata Kenichi, Suzuki Kohta, Nakai Akihito, Ohira Tetsuya, Ohto Hitoshi, Kamiya Kenji

    Journal of Epidemiology   32 ( Suppl.12 )   S104 - S114   2022.12( ISSN:0917-5040

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  • [Association between gender role attitudes and social support from mothers and paternal involvement in childcare].

    Iwasa H, Ishii K, Yoshida Y

    [Nihon koshu eisei zasshi] Japanese journal of public health   2022.10( ISSN:0546-1766

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.11236/jph.22-047


  • 看護大学生への夫婦間の共感性を高める育児支援プログラムの模擬体験実施とその効果

    石井 佳世子, 渡邉 一代, 後藤 あや

    福島県立医科大学看護学部紀要   ( 23 )   27 - 33   2021.3( ISSN:1344-6975

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Factors associated with cognitive failure among mothers involved in child care

    Iwasa H., Yoshida Y., Ishii K., Yasumura S.

    Cogent Psychology   8 ( 1 )   2021.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1080/23311908.2021.1896119

  • 夫婦を対象とした妊娠期育児支援プログラムに参加した母親の4ヵ月児健康診査時点における特徴 非参加群と比較して

    石井 佳世子, 後藤 あや, 渡邉 一代, 津富 宏, 佐々木 美恵, 小宮 ひろみ, 安村 誠司

    母性衛生   61 ( 4 )   684 - 693   2021.1( ISSN:0388-1512

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • 子育て期の女性における精神的健康の関連要因

    岩佐 一, 石井 佳世子, 吉田 祐子, 安村 誠司

    厚生の指標   67 ( 6 )   8 - 14   2020.6( ISSN:0452-6104

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • 福島県立医科大学県民健康管理センター妊産婦調査における電話支援活動の取り組み

    石井 佳世子, 後藤 あや, 太田 操, 安村 誠司, 藤森 敬也

    福島県保健衛生雑誌   35   8 - 14   2020.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • 子育て期の女性における認知的失敗尺度日本語版の開発

    岩佐 一, 石井 佳世子, 吉田 祐子, 安村 誠司

    日本公衆衛生雑誌   67 ( 1 )   42 - 50   2020.1( ISSN:0546-1766

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Characteristics and changes in the mental health indicators of expecting parents in a couple-based parenting support program in Japan.

    Ishii K, Goto A, Watanabe K, Tsutomi H, Sasaki M, Komiya H, Yasumura S

    Health care for women international   1 - 15   2019.7( ISSN:0739-9332

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1080/07399332.2019.1643350


  • Development and Implementation of an Internet Survey to Assess Community Health in the Face of a Health Crisis: Data from the Pregnancy and Birth Survey of the Fukushima Health Management Survey, 2016.

    Nakano H, Ishii K, Goto A, Yasumura S, Ohira T, Fujimori K

    International journal of environmental research and public health   16 ( 11 )   2019.6( ISSN:1661-7827

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.3390/ijerph16111946


  • 産後うつ病予防を目的とした妊娠期からの"夫婦の共感性を高めるセッション"の試行 対象者の共感性と精神健康度とセッション評価

    渡邉 一代, 石井 佳世子, 石田 久江, 太田 操, 後藤 あや

    日本健康学会誌   85 ( 2 )   80 - 89   2019.3( ISSN:2432-6712

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • A県内の救急外来を受診する子どもと家族の現状と課題、小児救急看護の実際

    鈴木 学爾, 石井 佳世子, 鈴木 幸恵

    福島県立医科大学看護学部紀要   ( 21 )   13 - 21   2019.3( ISSN:1344-6975

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • 東日本大震災による妊産婦の避難生活とうつ傾向に関する検討

    太田 操, 服部 桜, 新井 昌子, 清水川 由美子, 石井 佳世子, 後藤 あや, 安村 誠司, 藤森 敬也

    日本母子看護学会誌   12 ( 2 )   21 - 31   2019.2( ISSN:1882-2495

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • 【福島第一原子力発電所での事故から得られた公衆衛生における教訓】 福島県県民健康調査「妊産婦に関する調査」の概説 放射線被ばくへの不安を抱える母親に焦点をあてて(【Lessons learned on public health from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident】 Overview of the pregnancy and birth survey section of the Fukushima Health Management Survey: Focus on mothers' anxieties about radioactive exposure)

    伊藤 慎也, 後藤 あや, 石井 佳世子, 太田 操, 安村 誠司, 藤森 敬也

    保健医療科学   67 ( 1 )   59 - 70   2018.2( ISSN:1347-6459

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • 福島県県民健康調査「妊産婦に関する調査」の概説

    伊藤 慎也, 後藤 あや, 石井 佳世子, 太田 操, 安村 誠司, 藤森 敬也, 放射線医学県民健康管理センター妊産婦調査室

    保健医療科学   67 ( 1 )   59 - 70   2018

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.20683/jniph.67.1_59

  • Pregnancy and Birth Survey of the Fukushima Health Management Survey.

    Ishii K, Goto A, Ota M, Yasumura S, Fujimori K

    Asia-Pacific journal of public health   29 ( 2_suppl )   56S - 62S   2017.3( ISSN:1010-5395

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1177/1010539516684534


  • Fukushima Mothers' Concerns and Associated Factors After the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Disaster.

    Ito S, Goto A, Ishii K, Ota M, Yasumura S, Fujimori K, Pregnancy and Birth Survey Group of the Fukushima Health Management Survey.

    Asia-Pacific journal of public health   29 ( 2_suppl )   151S - 160S   2017.3( ISSN:1010-5395

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1177/1010539516684533


  • 東京電力福島第一原子力発電所事故後の電話要支援者の特徴と電話相談内容 平成23年度福島県県民健康調査・妊産婦に関する調査を用いて

    石井 佳世子, 後藤 あや, 太田 操, 安村 誠司, 藤森 敬也

    母性衛生   57 ( 4 )   652 - 659   2017.1( ISSN:0388-1512

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Factors Associated with Infant Feeding Methods after the Nuclear Power Plant Accident in Fukushima: Data from the Pregnancy and Birth Survey for the Fiscal Year 2011 Fukushima Health Management Survey.

    Ishii K, Goto A, Ota M, Yasumura S, Abe M, Fujimori K, Pregnancy and Birth Survey Group of the Fukushima Health Management Survey.

    Maternal and child health journal   20 ( 8 )   1704 - 12   2016.8( ISSN:1092-7875

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI : 10.1007/s10995-016-1973-5


  • 被災地における母性支援 原子力発電所事故後の電話支援 福島県県民健康調査の妊産婦に関する調査から

    石井 佳世子

    母性衛生   57 ( 1 )   33 - 38   2016.4( ISSN:0388-1512

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • 小児がんを克服し青年後期を迎えた小児がん経験者の社会生活に対する母親の願いと関わり


    日本小児看護学会誌   16 ( 2 )   1 - 8   2007.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  

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  • Health Effects of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

    (Trends in pregnancy and birth after the Great East Japan earthquake and Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident in the Fukushima prefecture: A 7-year survey)

       2022.1  ( ISBN:9780128240991

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    Responsible for pages:81-98   Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book

    Authors name of the chapter and paper which it took charge of:Fujimori K., Ishii K., Yasuda S., Goto A., Yasumura S., Ota M., Hata K., Suzuki K., Nakai A., Ohira T., Ohto H., Kamiya K., Kyozuka H., Murata T.   Publication place:  


  • 産前から夫婦そろっての親準備教育による児童虐待予防を考えるー夫婦が協力して子育てを行うという観点からー

    日本子ども虐待防止学会第29回学術集会滋賀大会   2023.11  

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    Event date: 2023.11

  • 福島で子どもを産み育てる、お母さんへのメッセージ


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    Event date: 2020.2

  • 妊娠中からの育児支援プログラム研修の育児支援団体による評価


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    Event date: 2019.7

  • 産後うつ予防プログラム「もうすぐ赤ちゃんがやってくる」


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    Event date: 2018.12

  • 母親の産後うつ予防を目的とした妊娠期の夫婦参加型育児支援


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    Event date: 2017.12

  • 原子力発電所事故後の電話支援 ~福島県県民健康調査の妊産婦に関する調査から~


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    Event date: 2015.10

  • 福島で産み育てる、お母さんたちの今~県民健康調査 より~


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    Event date: 2015.10

  • 小児がんを克服し青年後期を迎えた小児がん経験者の社会生活に対する母親の願いと関わり


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    Event date: 2006.11

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  • 日本母性衛生学会学術優秀賞


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