母性看護学・助産学部門 平成28年(2016年)
Ishii Kayoko, Goto Aya, Ota Misao, Yasumura Seiji, Abe Masafumi, Fujimori Keiya; Pregnancy and Birth Survey Group of the Fukushima Health Management Survey. Factors Associated with Infant Feeding Methods after the Nuclear Power Plant Accident in Fukushima: Data from the Pregnancy and Birth Survey for the Fiscal Year 2011 Fukushima Health Management Survey. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 201608; 20(8):1704-1712.
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池田真由美, 太田 操, 佐藤恵美子, 渡邉一代. 産後1ヶ月以内の母子への育児支援の実態調査. 日本助産学会学術集会; 20160319; 京都. 抄録集. 595.
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