自然科学講座(数学) 平成20年(2008年)
KOBAYASHI, Z; KUZUMAKI, T; OKADA, T*; SEKIGUCHI, T; SHIOTA, Y. A probability measure which has Markov property. Acta Mathematica Hungarica. 2008; 121(1-2); 45-71.
OKADA, T*; KOBAYASHI, Z; SEKIGUCHI, T; SHIOTA, Y. On exponential sums of digital sums related to Gelfond's theorem. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2008 03; 976:176-189.
NAGAYA, H*; TAMURA, T*; OKADA, T*; 他7名. Regulated motion of glycoproteins revealed by direct visualization of a single cargo in the endoplasmic reticulum. Journal of Cell Biology. 2008 01; 180(1):129-143.
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